2013 Speed Limit Review
The system of Irish speed limits was reviewed in 2003/4 prior to the switch to metric units of measure in 2005. The General Speed Limit was ended in favour of Default Speed Limits for different classes of roads. The transition was delivered smoothly, however, issues arose in relation to speed limits, the signs and their deployment that caused a degree of confusion for road users.
In February 2012 the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport established a Working Group to review the Speed Limits that apply to roads in the State. The Working Group was tasked with;
Reviewing and making recommendations on the existing overall system of Speed Limits
Reviewing and making recommendations on signs that accompany Speed Limits
Making recommendations on awareness and communications issues on Speed Limits
Making recommendations on the implementation of suggested changes.
This report identified 18 actions that, when implemented, would lead to a more credible system of speed limits with road users being better informed and educated regarding appropriate speed and speed limits.